Traffic Ticket Fighters

Helping you through the court system!

Here at Traffic Ticket Fighters, we are focused only on traffic law – as opposed to some firms that have many areas of practice. We have a wealth of experience and will always act in your best interest. It is our job to make the whole process easier for you and to ease your mind.

You may not even have to hire us! If we can, we’ll help you over the phone with clear honest advice.

If you have received a traffic ticket, whether it is for speeding, stunt driving, traffic light violation, disobey a stop sign, driving with a suspended license, Careless Driving, or are a young person charged with “Blood Alcohol Concentration Above Zero”, our firm knows exactly what to do.

Gary Parker – Paralegal

Gary Parker has been fighting tickets for more than 30 years and was a police officer before that. This gives Gary a unique perspective and understanding as to how the police operate and how the court system works!

Gary is often the “Go-To” guy for those who want premium, honest, experienced and successful traffic court representation.

Contact Us

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Text Or Email Your Ticket!
(416) 885-9304


Stunt Driving

If you receive a ticket for street racing and/or stunt driving (ex. Speeding at 50km/hr over the speed limit) it is in your best interest to get legal representation as there are many serious consequences to just pleading guilty.

Our experienced legal representation will be able to decide if there is enough evidence against you or if the prosecutor is willing to negotiate with us to reduce your case down to a lesser charge – in order to save points, avoid further license suspension, save you money and help mitigate horrible increased insurance rates.

Careless Driving

We offer assistance to help drivers who feel they have been wrongly charged with a traffic violation to avoid demerit points and fines.

Careless driving can come with a punishment ranging from a fine all the way to a maximum of 6 months in prison plus 6 demerit points!

If you have had a car accident and feel guilty – it is not the same thing as actually being guilty of the ticket the police gave to you!

Find out first!

License Suspension

We can help if you have received a medical suspension or your license has been suspended for an unpaid fine.

A conviction for the offence of Driving Under Suspension comes with a minimum fine of $1000 and an additional 6 month license suspension.

Subsequent convictions mean you can be sentenced to jail.